ArtLoveMagic Raises The Bar For The Dallas Arts Scene With UNDERGROUND 2010

report by Gary Brown
photos by Jenice Johnson

I knew when I drove up to Southside on Lamar within only 40 minutes of the opening of UNDERGROUND 2010 by ArtLoveMagic to discover parking lots already maxxed out and beautiful traffic jams everywhere… that it was going to be a very good night.  I was not wrong.  Like a gushing, ebullient lava flow flooding the facility, throngs of people pleasantly meandered or stood in fixated mesmerization all along the arteries of busy, positioned artists.  To my eye, 1,000+ persons in attendance on this night would not be a stretch.   In only its second year, this innovative and intriguing UNDERGROUND event has so soon become a badly needed fixture on the Dallas arts scene.  With a stellar and lengthy list of firsts and considerably noteworthy accomplishments already logged in ArtLoveMagic’s 3+ year history, it is no small matter for them to declare UNDERGROUND 2010 as their most successful event to date and for me, seeing was believing.

It is not possible to list all of the various artists and disciplines represented at this multilevel, indoor festival which somehow managed to house multiple dozens of visual and performing artists, all “working live”.  No, forget terming this a mere festival, UNDERGROUND constitutes more of a joyously laboring, industrious village of artisans.   In addition to displaying vast galleries of their works on display and for sale, all of these friendly, energized professionals were thoroughly involved in the active production and demonstration of their skills.  Yet, even this did not interfere with them continuously engaging and answering questions from the ever-present, inquisitive and fascinated crowds gathered around each of their workspaces.  Say “Wow”.

Performing singers, songwriters, poets, spoken word artists, musicians and bands kept folks simultaneously riveted to stages created both inside and outside of the Jeanette Kennedy Gallery.  In true ArtLoveMagic style, huge canvasses were erected which allowed the public to participate in creating community artworks, including trying their own hand at air brushing.  Hey, when was the last time you could walk right up to a smoking t-shirt screening operation bent on slavishly printing really cool shirts from scratch (even on your own shirts brought from home) in an effort to fill a constant stream of orders from those desiring to both commemorate the event while helping to raise badly needed funds for the Haiti Relief effort?  Live photography, jewelry making, visual and sculptured art of every feasible nature and much more, all in-process, en masse; what an inspiring and creatively stimulating experience this was.  100% ArtLoveMagic.

As I stated, I can’t possibly begin to identify the long, long list of amazing, contributing artists present at UNDERGROUND 2010 but you really should know who they are, every gloriously talented one of them.  Your life will likely benefit from meeting them, studying what they do and hopefully, possessing some of their works, yourself.  Go to if you want to try getting their names, contact information and what I am sure will be many wonderful photos of this event.  However, above all, get on ArtLoveMagic’s email list so as not to miss out on the huge number of events they produce and promote all year long and… never, never miss UNDERGROUND again.

Gary Brown 

7 Responses to “ArtLoveMagic Raises The Bar For The Dallas Arts Scene With UNDERGROUND 2010”

  1. i really loved shooting these! and gary delivers a great story as always. 🙂 of course i will be probably running some of your words in neighborsgo…
    wish i could have shot much more but so much to take in and i was wearing heels!

  2. Along with the brilliant art and performances, it’s quickly becoming clear that this was an excellent night of event photography. In less than 24 hrs after the event we’ve had an array of brilliant photos pouring in from you, Dee Hill, Scott Dorn… Nicole Rodriguez just put up a few gorgeous ones, and I’m sure I’ve seen nothing yet.

    I’m truly impressed. I think our photog friends really brought their A game to this particular event.


  3. awesome! what a great event… I had a blast. Still in recovery!

  4. […] Underground rocked the people this past Saturday, January 30th, 2010 at Southside on Lamar.  We introduced you to dozens of new artists & musicians from the Underground streets of Big D.  You can read Gary Brown’s quick review, and see pictures of the event here. […]

  5. will richey Says:

    taking it to the next level for sure – appreciate you gary

  6. philosophersphone Says:

    Underground, a little light goes a long way. Much love. Peace.


    • Great to have you there, Damascus. I loved your three “rules” for the event you announced at the begining. That was very much in spirit and was great showmanship.

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